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Our Coaching Services

Peak Fitness Coaching has three coaching packages that are created to meet your bespoke needs; whether you’re a beginner starting out on your endurance journey or an elite athlete looking to step up your performance, our Elite, Standard, or Block coaching packages will deliver you to your race in the best shape possible.

All our packages are backed by scientific principles and first-hand experience, supported by one-on-one coaching to ensure you fully understand the reasons behind your sessions and maintain a level of accountability that keeps you motivated and driven for success.

Choose one of our coaching packages below or book a free consultation to help you choose a training solution.

Elite Coaching Package 

The Elite Coaching Package is for athletes who want the full coaching experience and have big aims: unlimited coach interaction, tailored training, monitoring, and in-depth feedback are among the benefits.

£135 / month 

Initial Consultation with a Coach

Annual Training Plan

Bespoke training plan designed for your exact requirements

Post-workout analysis and feedback by your coach on all key sessions 

UNLIMITED plan changes when needed

UNLIMITED interaction with your coach via email, Text or Phone

Fitness testing within the program to establish training zones and track progress

Weekly check-ins

Invitation to weekly coach-led online sessions

Monthly invitation to coach-led Zoom presentations

Tailored Strenght and Conditioning

Race week and day strategy 

Nutrition advice 

Training Peaks Premium account included

Access to the resource library

Standard Coaching Package 

The Standard Coaching Package is far from standard. It is designed for athletes who want a bespoke training plan with less coach interaction and feedback while maintaining accountability. 

£100 / month 

Initial Consultation with a Coach

Bespoke training plan designed for your requirements

Post-workout analysis and feedback by your coach weekly 

LIMITED plan changes when needed

LIMITED interaction with your coach via email or Text 

Fitness testing within the program to establish training zones and track progress

Bi-Weekly check-ins

Invitation to weekly coach-led online sessions

Monthly invitation to coach-led Zoom presentations

Basic Strenght and Conditioning

Race day strategy 

Nutrition advice

Access to the resource library

Bespoke Block Coaching Package

The Bespoke Block Coaching Package is for athletes who require a tailored plan focused on their aims but less interaction and feedback. 

£130 / 8 weeks || £150 / 12 weeks 

Initial Consultation with a Coach

Bespoke 8/12 week training plan designed for your requirements

Fitness testing within the program to establish training zones and track progress

Monthly check-ins

Invitation to weekly coach-led online sessions

Monthly invitation to coach-led Zoom presentations

Access to the resource library

If coaching isn’t for you, you can download a premade plan with beginner, intermediate, and advanced options for triathlon, cycling, and running.

“Structured training allowed me to take my training to the next level and start focusing on the aims rather than worrying about sessions.”

Kane, 35 – 70.3 Triathlete

Have a look what coaching looks like from Peak Fitness Coaching

Tailored Training Plan

A training plan is built for you, based on your availability, capabilities, current fitness, and goals.

Our plan also includes directions on nutrition, core training, stretching, and recovery.

Download our 1-WEEK SAMPLE TRAINING PLAN HERE for free.

Use the code PEAKTRIAL.

Training Monitoring & Analysis

Your coach analyses training to make sure you’re completing your sessions effectively and provides feedback on what to improve and how your fitness is progressing.

Training is adjusted based on your performance or any other aspect impacting your fitness.

Shape At The Right Time

Have a long-term plan that allows you to reach optimal performance at your target events and achieve your goals. Prevent overtraining and ensure continuous growth of your fitness by avoiding a fitness plateau.

Our bespoke workouts are built around your unique physiological profile created by analysing your past data using the most advanced data analytic software and scientific knowledge for endurance sports.

Connect Your App or Device

Our workouts are compatible with over 100 fitness apps and devices.

This will allow you to follow workouts in real time, whether it’s indoors or outdoors.

Lifestyle & Health Monitoring

Your coach looks into an overall lifestyle and continuously monitors an athlete’s health through optional blood test results, sleeping patterns, weight, heart rate, and other data to minimise the risk of illnesses while maximising performance.